Early Prototype

about us
TeddyBot, a personalized AI companion, addresses early education gaps in learning, communication and social-emotional skills.

TeddyBot is an AI learning companion that helps children reach their unique educational and social-emotional learning goals through screen-free, multi-sensory engagement. A plush bear designed to support kids from pre-K to second grade along with their parents. TeddyBot offers stories, games, art prompts, experiments, mindfulness, and enriching conversation. Utilizing the latest LLMs, TeddyBot personalizes its teachings based on real-time context and data from a user’s knowledge base. This includes previous interactions, learning styles, interests, and ability-refined learning objectives. It has a microphone, cameras, accelerometers, and proximity and tactile sensors.

TeddyBot School Partnerships

Our Users are the Experts We are passionate about user-centered design, research, and the motto[…]

What is ADAM, TeddyBot’s Open-source Research Framework? 

The Future of Educational Technology The Adaptive Development and Assessment Module (ADAM) is an open-source[…]

Our Founders’ Paths to TeddyBot

Patrick’s Journey Patrick earned his PhD applying the science of child development to humanoid robots.[…]

Redefining Early Education: How TeddyBot Blends AI with Childhood Wonder

Ready to Explore the TeddyBot Universe? Reach Out to Us!

Have questions? Curious about how TeddyBot can transform your child’s learning journey? Or maybe you’re interested in partnership opportunities? Whatever it is, we’re here to chat!

Fill out the form below to get in touch with the TeddyBot AI team. Whether you’re a parent, educator, investor, or just a robotics enthusiast, we’re excited to hear from you. Let’s embark on this incredible journey together and bring the magic of TeddyBot into more homes and hearts.

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